What To Include in Your Funeral Program

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When it comes to funeral planning, there are a lot of moving parts. You must configure multiple logistics must all while mourning the loss of a loved one. To prevent getting overwhelmed by the details of a funeral, Honor You has resources on funeral-planning essentials. From a personalized funeral guest bookto sample poems, you can find the products necessary to create an honorable tribute to your loved one.

A funeral program is a necessary memorial product to offer to funeral guests. It encompasses details on the passing of your loved one and highlights the accomplishments of their life. Funeral programs give guests a moment to reflect on the deceased’s life and ensures they are aware of any pertinent service information.

Details for the Funeral Program

There is information you do not want to overlook when assembling a funeral program. The essential details of what to include in your funeral program are as follows.

Funeral Program Title

The title is a vital aspect of the funeral program. It can be a short phrase or saying, whichever best encapsulates the tone of the funeral service and the rest of the program. For most standard funeral programs, the title precedes the name of the deceased. Classic funeral program titles that you may be familiar with include:

  • “In Remembrance of…”
  • “Celebrating the Life of…”
  • “In Loving Memory…”
  • “Celebrating the Spirit of…”
  • “A Heavenly Departure…”
  • “A Life Tribute…”
  • “Rest in Peace…”
  • “Honoring the Legacy of…”

The phrase used as the title of your funeral program can serve as titles for other memorial products as well. Use the same title or a similar one for your prayer cards or guest book to maintain the service’s theme and tone throughout its keepsakes.

Cover Photo

Find a photo that best captures the nature of your loved one to use as the program’s cover photo. A cover photo goes front and center on the funeral program, making it crucial to pick one that beautifully exhibits your loved one’s features. A cover photo should abide by these recommendations to ensure the highest quality funeral program or booklet:

  • High-quality headshot: Select a nice headshot as the cover photo, if possible. Headshots focus nicely on the subject and will transfer well to print.
  • No background distractions in the picture: If you find a nice image that has a lot going on in the background, edit these distractions out of the photo.
  • The cover photo should be a well-lit photo so the program can adequately showcase your loved one.

Full Name of Person Who Has Passed, Including Maiden Name

Featured on the cover and throughout the program will be the full name of the deceased. Include a middle and maiden name, if applicable, to honor their entire epithet. You can include any popular nicknames for your loved one in quotations or can include them in the program’s body when mentioning the individual who has passed.

Date of Birth and Death

Recognize the duration of your loved one’s life by noting their date of birth and death. Details of the deceased’s birth and death are often included in their obituary, too. Details such as the location and time are unnecessary to display on the cover but may still be of interest to guests. You can include these items in the funeral program’s body.

Pertinent Funeral and Burial Information

When you consider what to include in your funeral program, factor in funeral and burial information. Add the time, date, and location of all services pertaining to the loss of your loved one. It helps to inform funeral guests with this necessary information so they can pay tribute to the deceased.

Written Obituary

Obituaries are often completed before funeral programs and can get added to the program later on. The written life tribute is a brief passage that captures the history of your loved one. It highlights their milestones and relevant general information. Honor You offers an obituary checklist to help guide you during the obituary writing process.

Surviving Family Members

Surviving family members often get recognized in funeral programs. Mention the deceased’s surviving family members to highlight their legacy and loving company.

Pallbearers, the Officiant, and the Person Giving the Eulogy

Provide the full names of the people that help orchestrate the funeral service. Pallbearers assist in casket transportation. A funeral service typically enlists the help of about six pallbearers. The officiant is responsible for presiding over the service. If the service takes place in a religious setting, the officiant is often a religious leader. Note the person giving the eulogy at the service, as well. Their speech serves as a farewell tribute to the deceased.

Memorial Poems, Prayers, and Scripture

Be sure to include additional literature utilized during the service in the funeral program. Any poems, prayers, or scripture read throughout the ceremony should be listed in the memorial booklet. This helps funeral guests follow along and allows them to return to any of the pieces in remembrance of the deceased.

Funeral Song Lyrics

Many funerals and burial ceremonies utilize songs to honor the passing of a loved one. Provide song lyrics in the program so guests can follow and sing along when appropriate. Placing the lyrics in the program also gives guests the chance to reflect on the lyrics and how they are meaningful to the service.

Additional Photos

If you have the space for it, extra photos can be lovely additions to a funeral program. Add pictures of your loved one doing their favorite activities or enjoying time with family and friends to emphasize how they will be remembered. To avoid a cluttered program, space out photos and do not add too many extras. Only incorporate photos that are high-quality to enhance the program’s appearance.

Designing the Funeral Program

It is crucial that the funeral program layout accommodates all these details. Design can make or break the funeral program’s efficacy. At Honor You, we have program templates to streamline the design process. We offer custom approaches to our design that ensure the program is individualized to the deceased. Our goal is to provide you with the best memorial products to help honor the loss of your loved one.

Contact Honor You today to learn about our extensive memorial resources. Find solace in knowing that you will receive high-grade memorial products that encapsulate your loved one’s cherished life.

Funeral Program

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