Things To Consider When Planning a Celebration of Life

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Grieving families can commemorate the life of a lost loved one in many ways. Planning a celebration of life is a heartfelt way to honor the deceased’s memory. Unlike traditional funerals, family members personalize these more relaxed events, focusing on celebrating the person’s life rather than mourning their loss. Here are a few things to consider when planning a celebration of life.


Choosing a theme can set the tone for the entire celebration. Think about what made your loved one unique and what sets their legacy apart from others. Incorporating elements of their major milestones and favorite interests into the theme can make the event feel more personal and special.

You may also want to incorporate religious or traditional elements from a funeral with a personalized spin to best honor the deceased. Whatever theme you choose should guide the rest of your decision-making as you plan this celebration of life.

Venue and Decorations

The next important decision to make in the planning process is where you will hold the celebration. While many families tend to establish funerals at places of worship or funeral homes, where you hold a celebration of life is virtually limitless.

Make sure the venue you choose is one that holds significance to the deceased and their memory. You might select an outdoor get-together for someone who spent much of their time outdoors or host a dinner party at your lost loved one’s favorite restaurant.

Decorations can make a celebration of life feel more jubilant and remind guests why they have gathered. Photos, mementos, the deceased’s favorite belongings, flowers, and candles can add a personal touch and create a serene environment.


Activities during a celebration of life can range from simple to elaborate, depending on what best suits your loved one’s personality. Some may prefer a quiet gathering with a slideshow of memorable photos, while others might enjoy interactive activities such as sharing stories, playing the loved one’s favorite music, or even a small performance.

Including activities that encourage guests to share their memories can foster a sense of community and support. You might also consider creating a keepsake for attendees, such as a small booklet of shared memories or a photo collage.

Consider these things when planning a celebration of life to provide your family and friends with joy and solace. You can create a memorable event that honors the departed’s legacy by focusing on the unique qualities that made them special.

Browse Honor You’s catalog of memorial keepsakes if you are looking for memorial gifts for a funeral or celebration of life. We specialize in customized memorabilia designed to pay tribute to the life of your special loved one.

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