Supporting Mental Health After Losing a Loved One

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October 4, 2024

Supporting Mental Health After Losing a Loved One

This pain of losing someone close to you is surely one of the worst things any one of us can come across in our entire lives and it affects mental well being greatly as well. The stages of mourning are detailed and unique to each person, where feelings and thoughts are not the only aspects involved, but complexities of grief and its impact on mental well being is an important factor too. knowing how to cope with it and where to go for assistance is painful. A person can seek grief mental health support to guard their mental well being in this period in many ways, be it therapy, support groups, family or taking a break from action.

This guide also focuses on the challenge of grief and its stages, while looking at options for the treatment of loss, in particular trauma counseling, which addresses the mental health issues brought about by loss.

The Grieving Process and Mental Health

While every individual has a unique encounter with grief, there are phases and psychological difficulties that most people have to face. Such phases are necessary in making the grieving process more understandable and provides a guide for recovery.

The Different Stages of Grief

Elisabeth Kübler-Ross’s the most famous theory on the stages of grief encompasses five main ways in which an individual faces loss. It is necessary to mention, though, that everyone does not go through all these stages nor in the exact order. Even so, knowing these stages can help bring some balance of order during a times of sorrow, otherwise it can be filled with intense feelings of emotions:

  1. Denial: This primary phase assists in cushioning the impact of the loss. It may come in the form of incapacity to accept the real situation or being emotionally void, which enables people to digest the cruel truth gradually.
  2. Anger: Losing a loved one often leads to feelings of frustration and helplessness which, in turn, triggers rage or anger. This hostility can be expressed in respect of others, oneself or the lost one.
  3. Bargaining: During this stage, individuals may dwell on “what if” or “if only” scenarios, seeking ways to reverse or mitigate the loss. This phase often involves guilt or regret.
  4. Depression: When the realisation of the loss begins to settle in, it is not uncommon for one to experience overwhelming and intense feelings of sadness, hopelessness, and a void in their existence. During this stage, individuals often tend to retreat to seclusion and subsequent despair.
  5. Acceptance: Acceptance must not to mean that one is “fine” with the loss, rather it means working through it. There will be ways to exist in spite of the loss and new practices will have to be formed.

It is important to understand that these phases are not definitely linear and that some people may go back and forth between certain phases multiple times in their process of grieving.

Understanding How Grief Affects Mental Health

Grieving can also have a significant impact on one’s mental health, sometimes resulting in disorders such as complex grief or depression associated with it. Mental health issues experienced within a post mourning are often commonplace and include:

  • Anxiety: Many individuals experience heightened anxiety following a loss, often due to the uncertainty and emotional turmoil it creates.
  • Depression: The profound sense of sorrow that one experiences, at times, get worse and leads to clinical depression. If a person feels desolate for a long period of time and this prevents him or her from performing day–to-day activities, it may be essential to seek assistance.
  • Loneliness: The absence of a loved one can create an overwhelming sense of loneliness, especially if the individual was a close companion or support figure.

Therapy and counselling can play a crucial role in addressing these mental health challenges, offering tools to cope and work through grief in a healthy way.

Coping Mechanisms for Grief Mental Health Support

Loss is often accompanied by sadness, which is the normal and expected response. However, finding ways to manage that depression is of utmost importance to ensure mental wellness. The healthy ways of coping enables people to work through the feelings and accept the new changes brought by the loss and prevent bad effects on psychological wellbeing in the future. Below are some effective strategies for getting grief mental health support:


Expressing one’s emotions through written form can be an amazing form of therapy. Specifically, journaling offers people a safe way to deal with their loss without seeking help from others, enabling them to express their feelings and also monitor their recovery process over time. Here are some possible ideas for journaling related to dealing with loss:

·   “What do I miss most about my loved one?”

·   “How am I feeling today compared to yesterday?”

·   “What are the most difficult moments, and how can I manage them better?”

Mindfulness and Meditation

The term mindfulness teaches the ability to be in the present moment and conscious of the emotions one is feeling without any adverse judgments towards them. Many of the mindfulness practises that a deprived individual would gain from are deep breathing practices, guided meditation, physical awareness among other activities. These are useful for grief mental health support as they help alleviate stress and encourage the individual to stay in the present moment.

Social Support

Suffering should never be endured in solitude. One of the most effective means of dealing with any form of grief is the social network, family, friends, or organised support groups. They can bring enormous relief when one is surrounded by individuals who care about and understand them.

  • Family and Friends: Sharing memories, talking about the loss, and leaning on close ones can ease the burden of grief.
  • Support Groups: Connecting with others who have experienced similar losses can create a sense of belonging and mutual understanding.


People might not think engaging in physical activities like exercising after mourning a loved one is a good idea, however, exercise is beneficial on mental health as well. This is because working out on a regular basis even simplistic activities like walking or doing yoga enables endorphins to flow in the body which are natural stress and anxiety mood elevators.

How to Find Grief Counseling

Loss of a loved one can be hard and overwhelming and bereavement counseling helps to provide professional help to such people. Grief counselors who are trained in this field help individuals make sense of their loss, deal with their feelings, and learn how to make progress:

  • Look for professionals with experience in grief counseling.
  • Ask for recommendations from healthcare providers, family, or friends.
  • Many counselors offer remote therapy sessions, making it easier to find support.

What to Expect in Grief Counseling

Those seeking grief help are often encouraged to talk about their feelings and experiences. Counselors usually adopt certain strategies, for example, cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), once again targeting specific axes of depression, guilt, or anger. The bereavement counseling tend to address how an individual grows, what the purpose one finds in living and help the absence they are experiencing.

How to Choose the Right Counselor

As you aim to choose the best grief therapist from the numerous available options, it is essential to evaluate their qualifications and if possible, their experience with grief or loss situations. Some tips for finding the right bereavement counselor include:

  • Ask for referrals from healthcare providers, friends, or family.
  • Research the counselor’s background, especially their experience with grief and loss.
  • Look for reviews or testimonials from previous clients.

Many counselors also offer remote therapy options, making it more convenient to access support.

grief mental health support

The Importance of Emotional Support Networks

An efficient and supportive network of people is significant for one’s mental health in the healing process after loss. It helps alleviate the feelings of grief and provides encouragement during the entire period of sorrow.

Building an Emotional Support System

Creating a network of supportive individuals is essential for healing. This network may include:

  • Family and Friends: Loved ones can provide comfort through shared memories, compassionate listening, and practical help.
  • Grief Support Groups: These groups allow individuals to share their experiences with others who understand what they are going through.
  • Counselors and Therapists: Professional support can offer more structured guidance for coping with grief.

How Therapy Helps with Grief

Therapy offers several benefits for individuals navigating grief. Different therapeutic approaches can cater to specific needs and challenges, providing personalized support:

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)

CBT focuses on changing negative thought patterns that may arise from grief. By identifying and challenging unhelpful beliefs, individuals can learn healthier ways to cope with loss and manage their emotions.

Group Therapy

Group therapy provides a supportive environment where individuals can share their grief experiences with others. It helps to normalize feelings of sadness and provides a sense of community among participants. It is one of the most common methods for grief mental health support.

Online Therapy Options

More and more users are opting for therapy sessions over the internet in the recent past, and this trend grows due to advances in technology. One can conveniently and comfortably access mental health therapy without visiting physical offices. There are many such online platforms that offer services for people who are looking for help with grief counseling in particular.

Long-term Grief Mental Health Support

The mourning phase is not limited within a few weeks or months. Loss and grief as emotions can be experienced by people long after one deals with the loss itself therefore, it is vital to guard one’s psychological state over an extended period.

Taking Care of Your Mental Health Long After the Loss

Mourning is most often a long and tedious process which cannot be undertaken in a hurry, as well as more self-love and healthy activities in one’s everyday life. Maintaining long term mental health can be done through:

  • Self-Care: Success of taking care of one’s emotions can be enhanced by active sports, intake of healthy food and sleeping well.
  • Activities: such a word may sound grim yet physical activity can be anything – learning an instrument, painting or coming up with a new style. They can and must be simple activities that will distract one’s mind from the loss: volunteering, getting a new hobby or traveling etc.

When to Approach Customized Treatment Programs for Psychosocial Problems Due to Bereavement Issues

Grieving is not something that can be rushed, and it’s important to continue practicing self-care and establishing healthy routines. Some ways to support long-term mental health include:

  • Prolonged sadness or depression that does not improve.
  • Withdrawal from social activities or loss of interest in life.
  • Persistent feelings of hopelessness, guilt, or worthlessness.
  • Thoughts of self-harm or suicide.

In these cases, reaching out to a therapist or counselor who specializes in grief can provide the necessary support to work through these difficult emotions.

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