When we lose a loved one, we experience an array of emotions. Though it’s common for individuals who’ve recently lost someone to experience the five stages of grief—denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance—everybody’s experience with bereavement can look different and nonlinear. Because the healing process is unique and complex, summarizing your emotions over a significant loss is challenging. But you may wish to find the right words to convey your sorrow to express what your loved one meant to you at their funeral or memorial service.
The opportunity to say a few words about the deceased is a major aspect of funerals and memorials. Whether you’re expressing your condolences on a card to a friend who has recently lost someone important or hoping to give a speech at a loved one’s funeral, a remembrance quote is a great option to capture how you feel. If you’re unfamiliar with commemorative phrases, read on. Honor You has compiled an assortment of remembrance quotes for funerals and memorial services.
Before diving into our selection of remembrance quotes, let’s touch on the importance of remembrance quotes for funeral and memorial services.
We know that words hold a lot of power, but often finding the right words to say amid mourning fog is no easy feat. That’s where remembrance quotes can help. Remembrance quotes help us feel seen and understood, and they can communicate how we feel better than we’re able to when experiencing a loss. A quote honors the character and memory of the deceased in a way that creates a sense of peace surrounding the loss.
So, where do remembrance quotes come into play when it comes to funeral or memorial services? There are a few different ways you can incorporate a commemorative quote that speaks to you.
At most traditional funerals, guests will receive a funeral program. Funeral programs and memorial service pamphlets typically offer pertinent service information. A few examples of common memorial program details include the order of service, people involved in the service, and an obituary.
You can use an honorary quote to create a more unified theme across the service’s memorial keepsakes, such as the programs. Many people choose to incorporate the quote on either the front or the back of the pamphlet, but you may choose to place the quote wherever it suits the program design best.
A eulogy is a speech that honors the deceased. A eulogy highlights the deceased’s personality and milestones they made in their life. If you’re responsible for crafting a eulogy, selecting a quote to start or end your speech with can help provide you with some direction when speaking.
It’s also common for guests to receive memorial prayer cards or bookmarks at funerals for their keeping. Memorial keepsake designs typically have a photo of the deceased, their date of birth and passing, and a commemorative phrase.
Placing a remembrance quote or prayer on the front or back of memorial keepsakes helps honor the deceased. Whenever a guest looks at their memorial keepsake, there are a few words on it to bring them comfort.
Now that we’ve discussed their importance and how to use them, we offer you the following remembrance quotes based on your relation to the deceased.
No parent ever wants to see their child go before they do. The following quotes honor the tragic loss of a child. We credit the quotes without names to unknown artists.
It’s hard to lose those who raised you. Discover quotes that commemorate parents.
The loss of your lifelong partner can evoke insurmountable grief. Below are some words that may help encapsulate how much they meant to you.
If you’ve recently lost a friend, you may consider one of the following remembrance quotes for funerals and memorial services.
Selecting the right quote is a challenge itself. One tip for narrowing down your search is to consider what tone you’d like the quote to convey. Some quotes may embody a nostalgic and hopeful feel, while others may have a humorous touch.
Reflecting on your relationship with the deceased and which emotions you’re feeling can help determine which quote feels the most fitting to incorporate into the funeral program, prayer card, or eulogy.