Our funeral acknowledgement cards and thank you cards are designed to match the style of any funeral program. Honor You works with you to personalize the design of your memorial acknowledgement cards with a theme or photo of your loved one.
See below for the standard memorial thank you cards and acknowledgement card statement. But a more personal thank you note expressing your appreciation toward family and friends of your loved one can replace the standard acknowledgement card. These memorial acknowledgement cards and thank you cards come with matching envelopes and are ready to be addressed and mailed out after the funeral service. Our funeral acknowledgement cards are available in packs of 40 Thank You cards and envelopes.
Thank You Card

Perhaps you sent a lovely card
or sat quietly in a chair.Perhaps you sent a floral piece
If so, we saw it there.Perhaps you spoke the kindest words, as any friend could say.
Perhaps you were not there at all, just thought of us on that day.Whatever you did to console our hearts,
We Thank You, whatever the part.