Funeral Home

Blog posts for Professionals in the Funeral Industry

August 11, 2022
Can Funeral Expenses Be Deducted From My Taxes

Can Funeral Expenses Be Deducted From My Taxes

Can funeral expenses be deducted from your taxes? Discover the answer here. Moreover, learn how to honor your loved one while avoiding financial detriment.
July 27, 2022
3 Tips for Writing a Poem for a Deceased Loved One

3 Tips for Writing a Poem for a Deceased Loved One

Read about some helpful tips for writing a poem for a deceased loved one. Moreover, learn about the power of healing through the beauty of the written word.
July 18, 2022
What To Look For When Choosing a Funeral Home

What To Look For When Choosing a Funeral Home

Explore some things you should look for when choosing a funeral home. Doing so will ensure you make the best arrangements for your loved one’s funeral.
June 21, 2022
Common Engraved Inscriptions To Put On an Urn or Casket

Common Engraved Inscriptions To Put On an Urn or Casket

Explore common engraved inscriptions to put on an urn or casket. Moreover, discover which phrase is best to celebrate the memory of your loved one.
June 8, 2022
What To Say to Guests at a Funeral of Your Loved One

What To Say to Guests at a Funeral of Your Loved One

It can be challenging to know out what to say to guests at a funeral of your loved one. But we’ll help you through the process with some practical advice.