6 Verses About Grief To Include in Funeral Prayer Cards

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Funerals offer those in mourning solemn reflection, closure, and an opportunity to say their final goodbyes. But many don’t realize that these ceremonies also present a chance to comfort those in attendance.

You can do this through special readings, the singing of hymns, and the inclusion of scripture on your prayer cards. Examine a few pieces of scripture that can help you bring some peace of mind to those mourning the loss of a loved one.

John 16:22

“So with you: Now is your time of grief, but I will see you again, and you will rejoice, and no one will take away your joy.”

This verse expresses a notion that many of us search for after a significant loss. It encourages grieving individuals to embrace and navigate their emotions openly and healthily. At the same time, it urges those in mourning to remember that death is merely a natural transition rather than a final goodbye. 

It asks us to acknowledge this as fact and take comfort in it. Further, this scripture explicitly reminds us that there will come a day when we are reunited with those we’ve lost. And this reunion will be one of ultimate peace and happiness. 

For these reasons, we believe that John 16:22 is a worthy verse to include on your loved one’s memorial prayer cards for their funeral. We think it will serve as a beautiful reminder that our loved ones never truly leave us behind. Even more, we can look forward to the day that we get to reunite with them in paradise. 

Romans 8:18

“Yet what we suffer now is nothing compared to the glory He will reveal to us later.”

Much like the previous verse, Romans 8:18 is another passage that reminds those in mourning that while they may be suffering at this moment, the Earthly pain they’re feeling is fleeting. Moreover, God will replace it with His love and glory. It asks us to have faith in a divine plan that we don’t yet understand. 

Best of all, it’s a powerful cue that our departed loved ones are playing a significant role in said plans. It urges us to seek solace in what the future will bring and trust that there is a purpose behind our loved ones passing and the pain we may be feeling as we grieve. We understand that this meaningful scripture certainly won’t remove the emotional pain that grief often brings with it. 

But we ardently believe it will give those attending the funeral some much-needed comfort, and most importantly, permission to lean into their faith as they navigate the loss of their loved one. That’s why we hope you consider Romans 8:18 when you’re looking for verses about grief to include in your funeral prayer cards. 

John 14:27

“Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled, and do not be afraid.”

Another excellent piece of scripture to share at a funeral is John 14:27. This passage reminds us that there is peace, hope, and comfort to be found even in what seems like our darkest moments. 

The verse calls those grieving to trust in God’s will rather than their Earthly understanding of life-changing events like death. Instead, they should hold tight to a divine knowing that our losses—however difficult—are a part of God’s plan rather than a purposeless occurrence. 

Further, John 14:27 asks that those in mourning should not let the mysterious nature of death make them afraid. Rather, they should have faith that their loved ones are watching over them and waiting for them to return home to be with them again. Additionally, we should realize that death is not an event we should fear but a new beginning. 

Matthew 11:28-30

“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.”

Matthew 11:28-30 is essential for those grieving to hear. This is because it emphasizes the importance of leaning on God and your support systems in times of great loss and emotional turbulence. It’s especially valuable because it encourages those struggling with the loss of a loved one to embrace their grief unapologetically.

But in the same instance, it’s also asking that we don’t allow our fear to consume our thoughts. Instead, it encourages the mourning to find comfort in their faith. Further, it asks the grieving to trust that their loved ones have transitioned out of life and into a beautiful new beginning in the company of God.

Thus, we feel that this is yet another beautiful piece of scripture that should make your list of verses about grief to include in funeral prayer cards. 

Proverbs 3:5-6

“Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and He shall direct thy paths.”

This scripture from Proverbs is a prevalent choice for funeral cards and a good reason. The passage’s meaning is quite apparent, as it explicitly states to trust the Lord rather than your human understanding. 

This is crucial to convey to those in mourning because we often grapple with why the person we love might have been taken from us. But the truth is that we don’t fully understand the reasons for death yet. 

There’s nothing wrong with that, and this verse is a meaningful reminder of this fact. More than that, it tells us that we should take solace in knowing, at the very least, that there is a divine purpose for the departure of our loved ones, however inconspicuous it might be. 

Revelation 21:4

“And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain, for the former things are passed away.”

Lastly, this excerpt from Revelations offers comfort and support by encouraging those navigating loss to trust God’s timing. But more specifically, this verse tells us that nothing in God’s kingdom is lost forever. 

In fact, Revelations 21:4 is a promise to the faithful that one day their loss and grief will be replaced with joy, peace, and a divine reunion with their loved ones in paradise. Of course, these verses cannot erase the powerful emotions that death brings in its wake. 

However, they can help those mourning find comfort and closure as they contemplate the journey ahead of them. And at the very least, including these verses on your funeral cards will give those struggling something comforting to refer to long after the funeral service ends. 

6 Verses About Grief To Include in Funeral Prayer Cards

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