March 2025

March 11, 2025
Muslim Funeral Traditions

Muslim Funeral Traditions

Islamic funeral customs are the product of Islamic beliefs and possess one of humility, simplicity or respect. Resurrection after death and Day of Resurrection are the belief centers of such customs. The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) teaching and the modesty of the dead are under the command of Muslim funeral customs. Every procedure, from preparation to burial, demonstrates the spirit of Islam compassion, community and respect for the dead body. Muslims consider death […]
March 11, 2025
Jewish Funeral Practices

Jewish Funeral Practices

Jewish funeral practices are based on humility, dignity, and tradition. They attempt to honor the dead while consoled and comforting the mourners. Drawing from Jewish law (Halacha), the traditions reflect basic principles about life, death, and the afterlife. The practices esteem simplicity, equality in death, and keeping the dead with dignity. Overview of Jewish Beliefs About Death and the Afterlife Death in Judaism is not an end but a transformation. The beliefs regarding death vary […]
March 11, 2025
Sikh Funeral Ceremonies

Sikh Funeral Ceremonies

Sikh death rituals, or Antam Sanskar, emphasize spiritual freedom from life not grief. Death, in this context, is merely a journey of the soul returning to Waheguru (the Divine). The rites emphasize prayer, family support, and remembering the person over lamenting despair. Sikhs do recognize the birth, death, and reincarnation cycle but also ultimately seek liberation (mukti) through devotion and works of piety. The Importance of Funerals in Sikhism Funerals are of deep importance in […]
March 11, 2025
Zoroastrian Funeral Traditions

Zoroastrian Funeral Traditions

Zoroastrian Funeral Traditions comes from a very old faith, which is referred to in sources such as the Videvdad. In this tradition, death is a transition, not a termination. The prophet Zoroaster initiated this faith, which is centred on the eternal conflict between good (asha) and evil (druj). The funeral tradition is respectful towards the deceased person as well as protects earth, water, and fire from becoming contaminated. In Zoroastrian Funeral Tradition, rigorous rituals are […]
March 11, 2025
Catholic Funeral Rites

Catholic Funeral Rites

Death is not considered the end in Catholicism but the passage to life eternal. It is this belief that, in fact, reflects in each rite of Catholic funerals, where the family shows their grief for the loss and honors their loved one with prayers, scriptures, and sacred traditions. The order of the burial follows more formal liturgy, drawing from centuries-long practices that solidify the doctrine of resurrection and salvation. The religious traditions of ceremony and […]