December 11, 2017

How To Write An Obituary

Published: 2017/12/11 Writing an obituary for a loved one can be a challenging task. This video is provided to help you to put together the right information and to present it in the best way to share the story of the life of your loved one.
July 27, 2017
senior coping

Helping Seniors Who Have Lost a Spouse

Why Moving Helps Seniors Cope with Losing a Spouse Published: 2018/07/27 When coping with the loss of a spouse, seniors often aren’t sure where or how to begin. Unfortunately, research shows that many seniors who become widows or widowers become socially isolated and lonely. As a result, seniors put their health at risk because they develop depression and fail to take care of themselves. The research also shows that seniors who become depressed after losing […]
June 14, 2017

Start-Up Stories: Edith Churchman

Published: 2017/06/14